Selection Process

At The Royal Melbourne Hospital, we are committed to a transparent, merit-based hiring procedure.

Below is a detailed overview of our selection process, designed to recruit the best candidates who align with our values and service ethos.

Merit based selection

Objective Criteria: We base all our recruitment decisions on an applicant's abilities, qualifications, experience, performance, and capabilities as they pertain to the specific position.

Best Fit: Our objective is to offer the position to the most suitable applicant based on the aforementioned criteria.

Panel interview & confidentiality

Diverse Panels: Interview panels at The Royal Melbourne Hospital are strategically formed to ensure a thorough and objective selection process.

Respecting Your Privacy: We prioritize the confidentiality of the recruitment process. Rest assured; the privacy of your application will always be upheld.

Post application phase

Shortlisting: Applications are assessed against specific selection criteria, and the best-fit candidates are shortlisted for interviews.

Interviews: If shortlisted, you will be contacted by the hiring manager either via phone or email to schedule an interview. During this conversation, you'll be informed about any documents or materials to bring with you.

Feedback & Notification: Once the interview process is completed;

The successful applicant will receive a verbal offer, followed by a formal written offer.

Applicants who were interviewed but not selected will be informed about the outcome.

All other applicants will be notified through email.

Pre-employment verifications

Document Verification: All information related to qualifications, work experience, and registration status will be verified before an offer is extended. This may include relevant qualification certificates, professional registrations, and other pertinent documents.

Accuracy is Essential: Providing misleading information, especially regarding qualifications, can jeopardise your position at the hospital.


Need Assistance? Contact Our Recruitment Team!

We understand that navigating the recruitment process can sometimes present challenges. Our dedicated recruitment team is here to help and guide you every step of the way.
Phone: (03) 9342 8055
Whether you have questions about the application process, need technical support, or just want to learn more about opportunities at The Royal Melbourne Hospital, don’t hesitate to reach out.

We’re here to support you!