If you are currently employed by Royal Melbourne Hospital, you don't need to create an account. Please sign in using your RMH email address and password.
When you are signed in you will be able to search for and apply for positions advertised for internal staff only, or for positions advertised via Expression of Interest.
If you need help registering for an account or signing in, don't hesitate to reach out to our friendly Royal Melbourne Hospital Recruitment Services team.
You can contact us at 03 9342 8055 or send an email to rmhrecruitservices@mh.org.au
While we do accept Word documents, we highly recommend that you upload your document in PDF format for preferred compatibility.
Tip: We can also make accommodations to support you during your interview. We want you to excel in your interview, and ultimately your new role. If you would like support, please reach out to the hiring manager listed on the job advertisement.
If you require further support applying for a job, please reach out to our recruitment teams:
- For medical positions: contact the Medical Workforce Unit Recruitment and Contracting team on (03) 9342 7035 or DITrecruitment@mh.org.au or SMS-MWU@mh.org.au
- For all other positions: contact the Royal Melbourne Hospital Recruitment Services team on (03) 9342 8055 or rmhrecruitservices@mh.org.au